Home » How Do You Know If Someone Blocked You On Snapchat

How Do You Know If Someone Blocked You On Snapchat

by Mashum Mollah
how do you know if someone blocked you on snapchat

Snapchat has really brought in a revolution in the manner in which people do things.  For instance, with the help of snapchat, it is much easier for you to share good moments with your family as well as friends.  However, much as snapchat has really brought in changes in the manner in which people do things it has brought problems with it as well.  For instance, how do you know if someone blocked you on snapchat?  

It is possible for someone to block someone on snapchat but telling if this is the case is what now comes in as a problem.  Some people find it so hard to tell whether they have been blocked on snapchat or not.  If you are new to snapchat, it becomes even much harder for you to tell whether you have been blocked on snapchat or not.  

As such, you might find yourself asking how do you know if someone blocked you on snapchat if this is the case with you. The good thing though is that it is easier to tell if you have been blocked on snapchat or not.  All you need to do is look for the best approach on how to do this and the rest will follow with this procedure.  

Is It Possible To Know If Someone Has Blocked You On Snapchat 

Yes it is, if you know the tactics that you can use in carrying out this process then you will know how to do so. However, if you do not then this process might be a bit challenging for you and intimidating in some ways.  That said, this text looks into how you can tell if you have been blocked on snapchat.  

By the use of the provided guidelines in this text, you will be able to clearly tell if you have been blocked or not.  Therefore, if you are one of the people who have been asking how do you know if someone blocked you on snapchat then this text offers you a guide on the same.  

What Happens When You Have Been Blocked On Snapchat 

Before asking how do you know if someone blocked you on snapchat you need to first of all know what happens in case you are blocked.  Doing so will enable you to know if you are indeed blocked or there is an error that is making you believe that you have been blocked on snapchat.  

Some people think that it is much easier to tell if you have been blocked on snapchat.  However, this is far from the reality, it is not. This process could have been much easier if people would get notifications regarding this matter.  However, there is not such a thing on snapchat which makes it somehow hard to tell if you have been blocked on snapchat.  

The only thing that happens in such a case is that the people who blocked you disappear right from your snapchat.  When this happens, it will not be easier for you to view snaps from the people blocked you anymore.  Other than that, you will not even be able to talk to the people who blocked you through snapchat.  

This is always such a challenging position to find yourself in and also hard to figure out at the same time.  Fortunately for you, there are a number of ways that you can use to tell if you have been blocked on snapchat.  In fact, the people who ask how do you know if someone blocked you on snapchat do not always know what to do in this case.  

How Do You Know If Someone Blocked You On Snapchat 

To be honest, it is not an easy thing to tell if you have been blocked on snapchat or not.  In fact, in a good number of cases where people ask how do you know if someone blocked you on snapchat some people are normally blocked already.  The only difference in this case is that some of them are not always able to tell if they have been blocked or not.  

Fortunately for you, there are wonderful ways for you which you can use to tell if you have been blocked on snapchat or not.  Look at some of these steps and you definitely will be assisted in telling whether you have been blocked on snapchat or not.  

Check Your Snapchat Contact List As Well History 

To get started with this process, go to your snapchat account.  Once you are here go to your friends list then pick that which you would like to chat to.  Upon doing this, go to your chat history if you have talked to them previously.  If there is no recent chat then go right to the contact list and then tap on the new chat option which is provided.  

Once you are here try and check if they exist on your friends list or not.  If you cannot find them on your friends list using their username then that will automatically mean that they have blocked you. However, this is not final, it could also be possible that your friend unfriended you.  

This is the best way you can tell if you have been blocked on snapchat or not.  There are also other methods you can use to make this discovery like searching their username and others as well.  However these methods do not give the best answer to the question how do you know if someone blocked you on snapchat.  Some of them do not even offer a realistic chance of telling if you have been blocked on snapchat or not.  


Some people labour so much asking the question how do you know if someone blocked you on snapchat or not.  There are several ways that you can use to tell if this is the case but they do not always offer an accurate account of this situation.  Some of these ways have been listed for you above to help you with this process.  

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